Martes 07 de noviembre de 2023
12 PM de Chile, Argentina y Brasil / 10 AM de Colombia, Perú y Ecuador / 09 AM de México y El Salvador
El día martes 07 de noviembre de 2023, se celebrará la Conferencia Internacional de Postgrado «Refugees, Education, and Stigma: From otherisation and assimilation to inclusion», a cargo del Ph.D. Wayne Veck, professor The University Winchester, UK.
Esta es una actividad gratuita y organizada por el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI) de Chile y la Escuela de Educación Diferencial de la Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (UBO) de Chile.
La actividad se desarrollará a través de la plataforma zoom.
Sólo se han dispuesto 30 cupos disponibles. Si te inscribes, por favor, asiste, sino, alguien se quedará sin participar.
Esta conferencia corresponde a los complementos formativos de nuestros estudiantes de post-doctorado.
Si deseas participar de la conferencia, por favor, completa el siguiente formulario:
III.-¿Quién es el Dr. Wayne Veck?
Professor Wayne Veck started his teaching career as a teacher of English and Citizenship Studies to students from Afghanistan and Iraq seeking refuge in the UK. He is now Professor of Education at the University of Winchester, having been Faculty Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange from 2015 to 2018. He has given keynote addresses at the University of Bergamo, at the Polish Disability Forum’s conference, in Warsaw, Lillehammer University College and Vienna University. He has published in leading education journals, including the Oxford Review of Education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Cambridge Journal of Education, and the International Journal of Inclusive Education, for which he is on the editorial advisory board.